Monday, February 18, 2008

14th Feb

Im not going to blog about this V.Day. To every singles out there including me...if you are mean to meet someone, the ONE, you'll do. Its just a matter of time :)
Bah bah back to the topic that Im going to blog about. Prayed "tian gong" which is Jade Emperor (king of gods) of the sky. It will be "tian gong" birthday when the hour hand hit the twelve midnight. Yes, even gods also had their birthday. Ain't that cool?

Fireworks thats going to be put

A lot of big candles

Oops, not candles. Its called "Dragon Incsense Stick" Donno correct spelling or not. I suck in english

There's a lot of food prepared to be served to 'tian gong' before us muggles can eat it.

A lot of food, right? Super full ah my stomach that night. Ate 1 round only. Yes.....i ate 1 ROUND only! Diet bah hehe. Oooh then start to pray.

So many greens le. Support Green!!! Faham faham what I said la. Support the Nature Green bah. Want me to explain more or not? Then there was fireworks again after the praying.

And there's this very long "bian pau" hang on a coconut tree.

Long or not? Don't know this is how many bullets but its around 1 minute la

Then its burning time!

These paper house ready to be BURN~

The burning began

Its freaking hot just to take this picture i tell you!

Oh and there's this alcohol which i drink half tea-cup nia

"Gao Liang Qiu" 53% alcohol!! I didn't know about it and I drank it. BURN BURN!

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