Friday, February 29, 2008

Mid semester break officially starts today!

UBD's mid semester break actually start at March 2nd but since the EEE students have no class on Saturday so the break start from today. Was suppose to have a test today but was cancel after ONE of us EEE students message Dr.Martin requesting to postpone the test to after mid semester break lol. Well, most of us is not ready for the test mah since we were busy with reports.
But we'll be stress after mid semester break....We'll be bombarded with a lot of test! Its a TEST week after the break. Die lo die lo. At least we are given more time to study yea.
And today someone officially turned 22! Was planning to organize a surprise birthday party for him yet we failed. Oh well at least everyone happy ok meh.

The Birthday Boy, Lim Sui Chieh!

Make a wish, blow the candles

Its hard to cut the cake.

Cake from EEEs

Greeting cards from EEEs

A small gift from EEEs again

Its a bright orange mug!

Haha a lil gift from Nina

Click on the picture to enlarge. That's all the people in the birthday party. And there's one group photo where everyone posing as shown in the picture.

Took some group photo but its not in my camera. Will add to this post as soon as i got the pictures from Azri.
Went to watch Ah Long Pte Ltd again for the 3rd time. This time went with my dad. He so long didn't watch movie in cinema so I lanja him watch lo. See, Im a good son of my dad :D
Happy Holidays,

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Have tests before mid semester break, cham (worse)....
Have tests after mid semester break, cham also....
One word, Tests = cham cham cham!
Exams are basically nightmares to me :S

Recently I just remember something from a school jokes book.
Why Study?
The more we study, the more we know
The more we know, the more we forget
The more we forget, the less we know
So, why study?

If you ask me why i study? I don't know....I guess it for the sake of a degree and a good SALARY pay.
Hmm, i should get back to my report now....or maybe I'll finish it tomorrow. There I go again, Procrastinating...

Monday, February 25, 2008

Dinner at my place

Wah....I just realize that almost a week I didn't post. Oh well here's another pictures post only. This time, dinner at my place. Sayang the EEE juniors didn't make it :(...haih...

Waiting for the food....bored lol

Yay boleh makan

My dad's cook. Nyaman yo!

Wooish UBD's wu chun haha

Mandarin oranges anyone?

Err...safwan's plate

Random pic


Watching Pink Panther

Nina(1 of my close friends), Lily(my godsis) and me

Imperfect EEE group picture.

Hmmm, i think i only want to post these pictures XD. How i wish i can have a bigger house and more money so i can invite all my friends. Hope that happen in the future! ;)

CNY at Kahwee's

This post will be totally about pictures and pictures only at Kahwee's. Hehe sorry for not posting the pictures at your place :). Was busy doing know la. Now after compiling all the pictures took from Azri and Safwan and resize them pictures. All the pictures credited to them. Now finally can post liaw.

Gong Xi Fa Chai :D


Nice teapot set

Big TV

Time to mummum~


Kahwee serving

"More more!" "Yummy"

Spiral stair to the 3rd floor

Home gym at the 3rd floor. NICE!

A home theater. Cool~

and also a pool table?

Crabby crab crab and a peacock behind it

Collection of books. Kahwee's dad's

Explaining rules of the game...

They playing cards too

"Ahaks! Bigger than yours"

Outside Kahwee's house. Beautiful scenery

Kahwee's Room

His cute bed

Check it out! Its a beauty!

This car rugged ler

EEE group photo. Im not in...sniff...Im busy bah...

Ok, hopefully that's enough pictures. Enough or not, kw? Not enough tell me oh.

Monday, February 18, 2008

17th Feb Night

Thanks to all my friends who came to my crib for dinner.
Sorry its not well prepared yet and hopefully the food is satisfying.
Sorry to all those other friends which i forgot to invite or didnt invite. Im truly SORRY but hopefully next time I will host a better open house for friends!
Then I'll invite you all come over my crib again :) This I promise.
Hehe cheers ;)
Pictures will be posted later after I collect all the pictures from Safwan and Azri. You guys can check out some photos now at Safwan's Blog.

14th Feb

Im not going to blog about this V.Day. To every singles out there including me...if you are mean to meet someone, the ONE, you'll do. Its just a matter of time :)
Bah bah back to the topic that Im going to blog about. Prayed "tian gong" which is Jade Emperor (king of gods) of the sky. It will be "tian gong" birthday when the hour hand hit the twelve midnight. Yes, even gods also had their birthday. Ain't that cool?

Fireworks thats going to be put

A lot of big candles

Oops, not candles. Its called "Dragon Incsense Stick" Donno correct spelling or not. I suck in english

There's a lot of food prepared to be served to 'tian gong' before us muggles can eat it.

A lot of food, right? Super full ah my stomach that night. Ate 1 round only. Yes.....i ate 1 ROUND only! Diet bah hehe. Oooh then start to pray.

So many greens le. Support Green!!! Faham faham what I said la. Support the Nature Green bah. Want me to explain more or not? Then there was fireworks again after the praying.

And there's this very long "bian pau" hang on a coconut tree.

Long or not? Don't know this is how many bullets but its around 1 minute la

Then its burning time!

These paper house ready to be BURN~

The burning began

Its freaking hot just to take this picture i tell you!

Oh and there's this alcohol which i drink half tea-cup nia

"Gao Liang Qiu" 53% alcohol!! I didn't know about it and I drank it. BURN BURN!