Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Hmmmm so yea yesterday was Mother's Day, the 2nd Sunday of May.
So how long has it been?
Hmmm....14 years i think...since i last saw my mom...
Im jealous...but at the same time im very thankful to my dad
14 years...shiat...I don't even remember how my mom look like anymore.
I had an idea of where my mom is now but should i go find her?
Heard from my aunt who still in contact with her that she had remarry and had a child...i don't know what am I thinking that time when I knew.
Should I go find her?
Maybe not, I don't want my dad to be sad. I don't really wish to lie to my dad anymore because lying to him will bring back painful memories to him :(
:( :( :( :( :( Sad laaaaa me
Sigh exams start in 4 days and my revising progress...40%! or less! FarkkkK
Die lo die lo.
Final 2 papers man......oh well screw it and get over with it in a blink of eye!

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