Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Hmmmm so yea yesterday was Mother's Day, the 2nd Sunday of May.
So how long has it been?
Hmmm....14 years i think...since i last saw my mom...
Im jealous...but at the same time im very thankful to my dad
14 years...shiat...I don't even remember how my mom look like anymore.
I had an idea of where my mom is now but should i go find her?
Heard from my aunt who still in contact with her that she had remarry and had a child...i don't know what am I thinking that time when I knew.
Should I go find her?
Maybe not, I don't want my dad to be sad. I don't really wish to lie to my dad anymore because lying to him will bring back painful memories to him :(
:( :( :( :( :( Sad laaaaa me
Sigh exams start in 4 days and my revising progress...40%! or less! FarkkkK
Die lo die lo.
Final 2 papers man......oh well screw it and get over with it in a blink of eye!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tired again...

Tired....mentally...and emotionally....
I know that...
I scare of...
from girls again.
If ever again, it'll be better off for me to be alone.
找一个你喜欢的人是很容易的,但是找一个喜欢你的人是很难的。This applies to me...sigh

Saturday, May 1, 2010

it is as usual for the whole 4 years

Fark this!!!!~
Again.....why am i doing this....damn comics....and youtube....and FACEBOOK!
Oh well this is the final year so...relax~ mustn't stress out myself.
Take a cup of tea and continue youtubing, reading comics, dota and facebooking.
2 weeks till exam.
After that Im waiting for GRADUATION~
and go back Brunei find jobs at BSP hahahahaha! cause I want high salary lol.
But most important, I don't wish to work in government. True it may be easylife but I bet it will make me depressed even more.