Sunday, November 16, 2008

Halloween Night BruScot 08

Errr this post had been delayed for long time X(. Blame the connection. I don't know why the uploading speed is mega slow so now im blogging now in library. Eh...100Mbps connection le. Must make full use of it wah. Must make full use of library hehe. Since im not so good with words, so i'll just post a few photos here. Hmm my blog is more towards picture blogs now :O Im just lazy :p

Joker in blue moment

Wahlao...scary eh

And this is one funny ghost instead of scary haha

Come come everyone sit in a circle then introduce yourself

Oh well we had no choice

Lets pose for the camera. Say Gawhh!!

Oh and this halloween night is actually an anual meeting for us to choose who the new committees of BruScot.
Congrats to the 5 new committee

The winner of Best Male Costume and Best Female Costume. They deserved the title

Wah sei Jokers play UNO Stacks. Don't play play ah!

And now they play Twister. Oh well they are already twisted.

And a game of Monopoly World around 4am i think. I owned the 3 others with one complete land keke.

Merchant City around 6.30am

The sun still sleeping

Group picture

And a cool Skeletor to finish this post.

Hmm will update again soon. As i said...must make full use of library :p

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