Saturday, July 31, 2010

what is it...

Dying heart. Who what when why where and how?↲
Who is it?↲
What even?↲
When it happen?↲
Why is it?↲
How it happen?↲
I wish to know but its impossible and also it wont be fun :p

Monday, July 12, 2010


If something is too good for you and it presented itself to you, will you reject it?
Is it because its too good to be true that you cant accept it? Or is it because you think you don't deserve it?
Sometimes, if something that may be too good to be true for you, try accept it. It may be real...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Faith and time

Sometimes, i really feel i lost in faith. Time is not my friend.
and I guess i never really pray enough because I never believe praying will get you the things you wanted.
Since i don't believe much in praying, i never had any faith to begin with.
From now on, Im gonna pray and have faith and let the time answer my pray....